Friday, January 18, 2013

"Letter to Juliet"

Sleep escapes me again, although I am in a place that i am soooooo comfortable.  Watching a movie, and silently being embarrassed because it's making me cry :) It also made me think of all of the wonderful, beautiful people in this world who live a life of loneliness...without ever knowing true love. Even those that are in marriages or relationships that are of convenience or habit and are void of REAL love. I have been blessed by knowing true love...irrespective of the fact that the love was unrequited.  The thoughts have been trampling through my head for what seems like hours now....If I could go to Verona, and post a letter on the wall for Juliet....what would it say? it is...heart and soul.


Fairest Juliet,

Many months have passed, yet my heart still weeps for my "Romeo". The agony of unrequited love is nothing short of a curse from the heavens that pulses through my veins during every waking hour. J'ai peur.

Am I destined to be a lone soul wandering infinitely, seeking he who would help me to write the next page in the tale of my life ? How weary am I, of living this life, devoid of my angel, and longing for something that I know shall never be.

I write to you dear Juliet, not asking for a solution to the love I have lost, but only for you to help inspire my belief in true love, and that I will someday experience a love that i would happily fall upon mine own sword...just as you did.

Help me to believe that someday I will love...and be loved

If you could write a letter to Juliet....what would you write?

aaaaahhh.....enough of the mushy stuff! Time to catch some z's woth Joseph =)

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!! Girlie Style!!!!!

Well Folks....I made it!!! Yesterday was D-Day....One year check up at MD Anderson...Mammogram, MRI, and appointments with Radiation Oncologist, Breast Cancer Oncologist, and Psychiatrist....When I tell you that I have been a nervous wreck all week, that is probably the BIGGEST understatement of the year! OK-OK - it's only January 18th, but it was STILL the biggest understatement of the year!!!!  I woke up every hour and a half Wednesday night...didn't sleep worth a flip (Jessie didn't help matters either....she always knows when I am upset, and I woke each time to a German Shepard licking my nose as if it were an Ice Cream cone!  eeeeeewwww!!!!)

Anxiety was to the moon and back all day at work, and I had to literally take medicine to calm myself before the Mammogram....however - I need to put a little plug in here for MD Anderson Cancer Center....They are the ABSOLUTE BEST, and I would never recommend ANYONE to ANY other place for cancer treatment.  I arrived at 2:20 for my check in - they took me in at 2:45, and Rhonda - my mammogram tech - was absolutely the sweetest ever....I begged her to be gentle - because the pain is still very prominent where the scars are, and where the lymp nodes were removed, and 45 minutes later - without a single tear - the process was over...AND...I had the good news before I even stepped out of the office!!  Talk about a big sigh of relief!!!!

PS....Dear Breast Cancer ....
I WON!!!!!!

so - here's a little pictoral time line

Before Cancer

Sixth Week of Chemo

With a wig during chemo

December 9, 2012...little bit of hair!!

Today!!! Hair growing back like wild!!!!

Through it all, the ups and downs, the trials and tests, the pain and fear.....there is light at the end of the tunnel, and today is VICTORIOUS!!!

But thanks be to God
who gives us the Victory
through our Lord
Jesus Christ!!!