Monday, April 1, 2013

I've Moved!!!

Howdy all!!!  Sweet Nothings has officially can find me at Tastes Like Sugar!!!!!

C U There!!!!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hi, My name is Celeste, and I am an Addict!

Eeeeaaassssyyyyy's true...I am an addict....

Cupcakes, cookies, buttercream, cinnamon rolls, maple donuts, Reese's, Kit Kat...BRIDGE MIX...gooey butter cake....the list goes on and on and on and on.....=o( 

During Chemo and radiation, I have to admit, that BESIDES not having to shave a single crevice of my body....the best part about it was I HAD NO DESIRE FOR SUGAR!

When I was diagnosed with Cancer on 12/6 - I was a pudgy little piglet.....weighed in at 192 ugly fat lbs!!!  Check out the photos taken just a couple of months before I was diagnosed

yeah yeah - I carry my weight well - but that was 192 lbs!!  During my chemo treatments - at my smallest - I got down to 156 lbs - This photo was right about that weight - and yeah - it's a wig....but it was cute!!!

Since I am not standing you cannot really see how much smaller I was (you can definitely see that the DOUBLE CHIN is gone!), but I went from busting out of misses 14's to Junior 11's being too big....hoooray for that!!!

uuugh - I digress - back to the sugar addiction - much to my shagrin, as the chemo medicine depletes from my body, my craving for sugar has returned with a vengeance!!!! It doesn't help much when I make Bacon Cinnamon Rolls, but lucky for me, the ones I made last night, I only got 1 of because my youngest ate ALL THE REST!!!!

Gah - I know - get to the point - get to the point....distractions...the point of this damn post is that in the last two months I have gained 10 lbs back!!!!!  Aaaaawwwweeeee HEEEEEELLLLLL NOOOOOOO!!!!

Sooooo here we go....How in the HELL do you kick the sugar addiction?????

I'm not sure - but the research starts today....and 1 thing that I am sure of, is that it starts, for me...with kicking the diet soda habit....Did you know that drinking diet drinks actually triggers sugar cravings? Well....I'm here to tell you it does...and unfortunately for me...I'm also a diet coke addict as well!

So....the journey begins 169 lbs, and 32 ounces of diet soda already today....time to kick the habit!  I have, however, consumed 128 ounces of ice cold water (geesh - that's more than I normally drink in a week!) and have started Spark People - AGAIN (I'm a repeat offender)...gotta make it work this time!

My mini-me (you can snag her button off my page) and I are on a mission....she already does Wednesday Weigh Ins and is doing GREAT...down 7.2 lbs since she started...but I have decided that I will start "Skinny Bitch Saturdays".  Saturday morning weigh ins will show me my progress for the full week, and let me know if I can treat myself (in a small way of course!). 

Stay tuned as I research Sugar Busting and journey towards my weight goal of 145 lbs.

Ha! if I can beat BREAST CANCER....this should be "literally" a PIECE OF CAKE!!!

(a skinnier one!)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To!!!!!

Okay - so everyone deserves to have a pity party once in a I'm gonna just call it like I see it....


I hear it every day...OMG - you look so cute with short hair!!! Why don't you like it?????  You look 20 years younger!!!

uuuhh hmmm....Bull ****.....

I'll steal this from e-how
Some men are attracted to females with long hair largely due to the mating game. Long hair represents many things sexual to the male psyche. Throughout history until modern times there have been portrayals of women using long hair to attract the opposite sex.

Read more: Why Men Love Long Hair |
yes, yes, and prefer long hair.....perhaps I have the male mentality....I dunno....all I know is that my long, beautiful, dark hair made me feel beautiful, defined my femininity, and was what I believed to be my most attractive physical trait. 

anyone know any tricks to make it grow back faster??



Peace Sisters!!!


Monday, March 18, 2013

We were dating???? I'm so confused!!!!!

I'm so confused!!!!!
ok - so it's no secret, that last year - before my "thing" (I dunno what to call it --so I'll call it a thing) with Groceries, as kind of a joke - I created a Plenty of Fish Dating Profile.  Holy smokes....I have to admit that I have "talked" to some really nice people, but to be totally honest - since all the cancer crap, I just don't really have the dating thing in me.  Not to mention the fact that I guess, well, really, I know...that I'm not completely over "him". 

I've been feeling a lot better lately - so I decided that maybe I would give it a try again.  Back in October I met someone that within a couple of weeks had us damn near married and riding off into the sunset, and although he was very nice, it just wasn't there.  Perhaps it was because I wasn't over "him", perhaps I just wasn't ready, perhaps he moved too quickly and my darn head was spinnin like a windmill - but I choked, and crawfished right back into my little hole.

Soooo....a couple of weeks ago, I logged into POF for the first time, and 73 unread messages later, I responded to a few, not many. I had a blurb on my profile - that if anyone was interested in doing so, they could reach out to me on facebook.  I kind of have this theory...aren't many people that don't have facebook these days, and if you aren't afraid to add me on facebook - then you don't have anything to hide.  Right away, if I ask someone and they tell me "yeah - I have one - but don't add me - I never get on there" RED FLAG!!!!!
I call are either married, have a girlfriend, or playing the field...and I have no desire for any of these traits!  I would rather walk fearlessly solo than be poorly accompanied!!!

So.....with all of that said - this brings me to my latest "acquaintance"
We'll call him "Forest" son was home visiting for the weekend - so I thought perhaps that would be a safe time to invite him for dinner.  I know, I know...I shouldn't invite people I don't know into my home - but I always feel more secure in my own territory.  I figured that since I would not be alone - I was safe.  And safe I still am....that is not the issue.  Dinner was nice, and "Forest" was nice, but.....yup .....there is always a BUT......1st, there was absolutely NO spark....not for me anyway.  Unfortunately - I'm one of those that believes that there has to be an "instant" spark, or chemistry so to speak.  NOT THERE.  We had a nice dinner, got along nicely, and I thought perhaps that maybe I was just being too picky, and I should give it a little more time.  Second date...I mentioned that I wanted to go to the farmers market. I have put on about 8 lbs in the last couple of months, and as hard as I worked to get it off during chemo - that is totally a NO GO for me, so I decided it was time to start eating healthy and juicing again.  Forest quickly obliged, and I explained that since I wake early every morning for work, I intended fully to sleep in until 9:30 on Saturday, and asked him to be at my house around 10:30.  Oh Lord here we go again......text message at 7 am Saturday morning "wakey wakey!!!!"  I read the message - threw my phone on the floor....groaned loudly, and went back to sleep.  9:30 rings...."I'll be there in 5 minutes".  WTH!!!!  Are you kidding me???? I wasn't even out of bed yet!!!!  Soooo....I got up, answered the door, had a smoke with Forest, then told him that my son would have to keep him company until I was ready to go.

20 minutes later I was ready to head out the door....we hit the market, spent maybe 2 hours there, and then he sprung on me "my Dad just lives about 6 miles from here - he said he would so much love to meet you.  Although I felt it against my better judgement, I obliged.  Pop was super nice, and I enjoyed visiting with him, but I could tell from the conversation that Forest already had us in a committed relationship and planning our future together. if it wasn't bad enough that he didn't follow my direction or take into account the fact that I was completely clear about sleeping in.  OK, that may seem a little stupid to some of you...but it's not.  REALLY - it's not...and if you are a breast cancer survivor, you understand the exhaustion and physical pain that still lingers, even 6 months after treatment has stopped.

So, we got home around 3, I made us a yummy lunch (recipe courtesy of my sister - will post that later!) and after lunch, I let him know gently that I was really tired and needed to nap.  He hinted that he didn't want to leave - but I was having none of that, and by 4:30 he was on his way. 

That night was a little rough for me....all I could think was how this was something that "groceries" and I should have been doing together...all of the memories flooded back, and I had a near lapse of judement...almost sent a text message...but talked myself out of it, because there is no reason to start something all over that is never going to go anywhere.  At about 3 am, It dawned on me ....that either I was just not ready to date, or I had just not found the right person yet.  Not that I have really been looking...but I really don't want to.

As we rolled into Monday, my conversation by text only with Forest was brief, then Tuesday, I got a little quirky, snarky message, and finally had to tell him that I was not ready to date.  Response...are you ready for this??  "I figured something better had come along".  I tried to explain....Response "save it for the ones who treat you like shit". 

I am not an arguer or fighter - so I let it go.  Deleted the messages, and THOUGHT that I blocked his number. (ok - my smartphone is smarter than I am apparently).  As of today, he has messaged me again, telling me that he still loves me unconditionally blah blah blah.....

Folks - really - I never led him on.  When he would make remarks like "can I keep you?" I would respond with "we will just have to wait and see what God has in store for us.  I am very jaded - so please be patient with day at a time" 
Apparently, he doesn't understand nice speak.....and I unfortunately, don't know the first thing about BITCH speak. 
I don't want to break anyone's heart - God knows that mine has been broken enough, and I don't wish that on anyone....but I think this is really out of line.  He has even gone so far as to message me on another dating site that I joined two years ago and didn't even realize I still had a profile on. 

I guess the real question for me is, how in the world, can someone I have spent a total of 9 hours with, be head over heels for me, and someone I have known for a lifetime, and spent a year with....throw me out like yesterday's trash????

I don't believe I will ever understand, but I do believe that for the time are off heart just can't take the good, bad or the ugly!!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bacon Chocolate Fudge

Afternoon all you fine folks!!!
Here's to a big 'ol helpin of today's little
'slice of bacon'

This recipe, I am sad to say - I was NOT so thrilled with.  Don't get me wrong....not a single piece of it went to the dog....but it just didn't hold a candle to the other two that I have tried so far.

Here's my take:  TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE!!!

The problem is - that the chocolate totally overpowered the bacon...and I dunno about you - but if I'm eatin bacon - I wanna know it!!!

So - the question of the day is...How do you fix it????

Duh....make Maple Fudge instead!!!  The maple would be much milder, so the bacon can take center stage, and who the heck doesn't LOVE maple and bacon???  This lil gal sure does!!!

Thumbs down to this recipe - plan to create my own - so be on the lookout!

Happy Friday Y'all!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More "Makin Bacon" - Bacon Cinnamon Rolls

Doctors say that each piece of bacon you consume takes 9 minutes off of your life....hah!!! based on that math, I should have died in 1732!!!!
Seriously folks....Here's the second recipe review from "50 Shades of Bacon"

These little jewels, oh yes.....I have absolutely nothing bad to say about them, except that every time I took a bite, I kept seeing that commercial - you know the one - I can't remember - special k, or yogurt or something, and the woman's backside was HUGE cinnamon rolls!!! Of course - that was a fleeting thought...I think at that moment I didn't really give a DAMN about them going straight to my "a**" =o)

These are definitely worth the time and effort - however - if you want a quick fix - buy some Grand's Cinnamon Rolls...unroll and sprinkle with cooked, chopped bacon, re-roll and bake - then sprinkle more bacon on top once you've iced them and you are good to go!!!

These delish rolls and a yummy cup of Spicy Eggnog coffee.....perfect way to start the day!!!

Happy Bakin Ya'll!!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies

hmmmpp.....people that say "nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels" have obviously never had bacon!!!

The first recipe that I opted to try in the book - "50 Shades of Bacon" was the Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies.  As if Chocolate Chip Cookies aren't sinful enough????

These cookies are absolutely delightful!!!!!

Crispy bacon, bacon fat, chocolate chips, brown sugar, a few other ingredients, and one little secret....
instant vanilla pudding!!!!

I gotta tell you that these were absolutely the chewiest, gooiest, fluffiest cookies that I have ever made!
I'm not really one to eat the dough, but I would be remiss if I were to leave out the fact that every 5 minutes I had my grubby little fingers in the bowl!

I brought a few to work (sorry - only a few - I didn't REALLY wanna share) and they didn't make it past noon!

Be sure and pick up the book or download it and try these cookies - they are a guaranteed hit!!!  Almost as good as my maple bacon cupcakes!!!

Oink Oink!!!!

Makin Bacon!!!

Howdy Folks!

It seems like it's been forever since I have had a free moment to blog...but guess what!!! I finally found a few!!!  I'm still at the office - waiting for my son to get off work.  Second day on his new job, and since he works at the mall right across the street and is getting off at 6:30, I decided to wait around so he didn't have to ride the bus home!!! NOT THAT I WOULDN'T RATHER ALREADY BE AT HOME IN MY JAMMIES THOUGH!!!

So - any of you that KNOW me...I mean REALLY KNOW me....know that I have a completely encompassing love affair with....haha.....BACON!!!!  Yup...Pork Fat Rules....There is little that I would rather eat, on any given day, than PIG!!!  Any way you like it....baked, fried, roasted...I like it!!!

My best girlfriend, tagged me in a post on facebook a couple of weeks ago, and turned me on to a book called "50 Shades of Bacon"....uhm...yeah - I've read 50 Shades of Gray, and I loved it....throw a little bacon in there and you DEFINITELY have my attention!!!  I downloaded the book on my Kindle, and I swear, I think I slobbered all over the screen (and I'm out of windex - go figure!!!!) 

Forgive me folks, I cannot share the recipes - I am sure they are copyrighted, so you will have to buy the book.... instead - I have decided to do somewhat of a "book review" by one, every single recipe in the book....I'll be posting photos and giving my thoughts of the recipes...I hope that you enjoy the reviews and buy the book so that you can try them for yourself!!!!! Kudos to the author - cuz I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!

Here is a link to the book on Amazon if you have a Kindle or device that has the Kindle App!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

"Letter to Juliet"

Sleep escapes me again, although I am in a place that i am soooooo comfortable.  Watching a movie, and silently being embarrassed because it's making me cry :) It also made me think of all of the wonderful, beautiful people in this world who live a life of loneliness...without ever knowing true love. Even those that are in marriages or relationships that are of convenience or habit and are void of REAL love. I have been blessed by knowing true love...irrespective of the fact that the love was unrequited.  The thoughts have been trampling through my head for what seems like hours now....If I could go to Verona, and post a letter on the wall for Juliet....what would it say? it is...heart and soul.


Fairest Juliet,

Many months have passed, yet my heart still weeps for my "Romeo". The agony of unrequited love is nothing short of a curse from the heavens that pulses through my veins during every waking hour. J'ai peur.

Am I destined to be a lone soul wandering infinitely, seeking he who would help me to write the next page in the tale of my life ? How weary am I, of living this life, devoid of my angel, and longing for something that I know shall never be.

I write to you dear Juliet, not asking for a solution to the love I have lost, but only for you to help inspire my belief in true love, and that I will someday experience a love that i would happily fall upon mine own sword...just as you did.

Help me to believe that someday I will love...and be loved

If you could write a letter to Juliet....what would you write?

aaaaahhh.....enough of the mushy stuff! Time to catch some z's woth Joseph =)

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!! Girlie Style!!!!!

Well Folks....I made it!!! Yesterday was D-Day....One year check up at MD Anderson...Mammogram, MRI, and appointments with Radiation Oncologist, Breast Cancer Oncologist, and Psychiatrist....When I tell you that I have been a nervous wreck all week, that is probably the BIGGEST understatement of the year! OK-OK - it's only January 18th, but it was STILL the biggest understatement of the year!!!!  I woke up every hour and a half Wednesday night...didn't sleep worth a flip (Jessie didn't help matters either....she always knows when I am upset, and I woke each time to a German Shepard licking my nose as if it were an Ice Cream cone!  eeeeeewwww!!!!)

Anxiety was to the moon and back all day at work, and I had to literally take medicine to calm myself before the Mammogram....however - I need to put a little plug in here for MD Anderson Cancer Center....They are the ABSOLUTE BEST, and I would never recommend ANYONE to ANY other place for cancer treatment.  I arrived at 2:20 for my check in - they took me in at 2:45, and Rhonda - my mammogram tech - was absolutely the sweetest ever....I begged her to be gentle - because the pain is still very prominent where the scars are, and where the lymp nodes were removed, and 45 minutes later - without a single tear - the process was over...AND...I had the good news before I even stepped out of the office!!  Talk about a big sigh of relief!!!!

PS....Dear Breast Cancer ....
I WON!!!!!!

so - here's a little pictoral time line

Before Cancer

Sixth Week of Chemo

With a wig during chemo

December 9, 2012...little bit of hair!!

Today!!! Hair growing back like wild!!!!

Through it all, the ups and downs, the trials and tests, the pain and fear.....there is light at the end of the tunnel, and today is VICTORIOUS!!!

But thanks be to God
who gives us the Victory
through our Lord
Jesus Christ!!!